The Big Bang

Well I know this one is coming almost a month late, but better late than never!!

Seeing the title of this post most of you will immediately think about the big bang experiment conducted by scientists near the French Swiss border last September. So let me make one thing clear in the beginning itself, this post does not intend to give any scientific details about the Big Bang experiment(although I would like to mention that the experiment has now been stopped due to faulty electrcal wiring, which most of the newspapers didn't cover!).

Most of my college friends would know we have a special bond with the big bang, as most of our jokes used to end with big bang only :). To know how, kindly wait for my post on that topic. Don't know when i'll write it but i'll write someday surely.

Coming back to the topic, the big bang experiment wasn't the only bang last month, blasts all across India too caused quite a bang!! And thats what led me to think about the irony-In an age where one part of humanity is rising above the differences of cast, creed, colour and religion, another part is busy killing people for no apparent reason.

If the situation wasn't so sad it would have been funny. We are trying to find out the origins of universe when we fail to undertand the motives of these so called freedom fighters. We don't even know when the next blast will occur or how many innocent people will be killed but we know when the positrons will collide with each other to recreate history!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not against conduting scientific experiments that cost the moon, if anything I thing such landmark experiments ignite the imagination of an entire generation and inspire them to do greater things in their own small way(see what moon landing did to America)!!

The most alarming part is that as long as our family and friends are safe we don't care much about it. Another blast, few more people dead, few more ministers will condemn the attack, few more debates in parliament and few more days of living in fear but eventually life goes on normally for us (at least thats how my thinking goes). We have learnt to live with it. We say that "life goes on " and that "its best to move on with life" but till when? And as much as we say that it hasn't affected us as a nation and that we are still united country but the cracks are becoming more and more visible.

Ask people around you and you will be alarmed to see how many of them think that there is fundamentally something wrong in other religions thats why even a common guy from that religion is killing innocent people. Thats exactly what these blasts are aimed at-creating doubts in people's minds about each other and breaking their trust on each other. I had a heated discussion with my mum on the same topic and was saddened to see that She being so educated had let such criminally wrong thoughts to enter her mind. Same was the case with few of my friends. If thats the case with a common middle class educated person I can imagine how easily our " political leaders" turn the gullible uneducated mass against each other.

I've stated too many problems here..but whats the solution?? Frankly speaking even i don't know. But I think our only hope lies in trust and faith. Trust others and have faith within yourself, only then we'll be able to save ourselves from another Big Bang that'll wipe out humanity!


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